If women were woods

If I was safe in you

Truly, wholly, safe

I could close my eyes and listen

Surrender myself to your breath

I could stroke each bit of bark and bite of you

Each root, each route

At sundown, alone in your company

I want more of you

To be with you more, to beam with you more

If I could be within you

In the middle of the night

Blind drunk peeping at the sky’s attempt to backdrop you

I might sit at the foot of you

Get lost in music and mushrooms

Stand at the edges of you

And be found in the silence

Sleep as you wake

Wake as you sleep

I’m sorry that you’ve been stolen from us

I’m sorry the outline of you can’t tell us to rest

I’m sorry your shelter means nothing

I miss you, I’ve never met you

I want you, I’ve never had you

So you must be inside of me

If I cannot be inside of you

We must be growing despite our fear

Breathing and bending

And I will keep listening for as along as I dare

So stay inside me, and I’ll meet you there




Sleeping Beaches